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  • Clinical kinesiology
  • Advanced AK/CK Kinesiology
  • Electrical Stimulation & Acupuncture
  • Blood Markers of Inflammation
  • Medical insurance billing
  • Chinese medicine pattern diagnosis
  • Wellness strategies for patients
  • Historic traditional medicine
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Ethics and recordkeeping

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Mechanists believe: Everyone who has a certain diseases has the same disease as anyone who has that disease. Symptoms are always bad and must be destroyed.

Vitalists believe: The body is intelligent and reacts to the environment. Symptoms are its response to environmental stress, a sign that the body is fighting to return to it’s homeostatic balance. Symptoms must be permitted to express themselves so the body may cleanse and heal and return to normal balance. For example, using pain killers for chronic low back pain to mask the symptoms instead of using exercises to strengthen the weak muscles. If you only mask the symptom, you block finding out the cause of the problem.