How to Reduce LA in Your Diet   Here is a 3 page handout detailing the sources of linoleic acid (LA) from Seed/Nut oils and Seeds. how-to-reduce-la-in-your-diet-3pg

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Linoleic Acid — The Most Destructive Ingredient in Your Diet Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola May 08, 2023 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Fats — which are water-insoluble biological molecules also known as lipids — are the primary building block of your cell membranes. This is one of the reasons why eating the right types of fat is [...]

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Bradford Hill criteria In 1965, Sir Austin Bradford-Hill (1897-1991), a British medical statistician, established nine widely used criteria to determine the strength of an association between a disease and its supposed causative agent. These criteria are used as a way of determining the causal link between a specific factor (e.g., cigarette smoking) and a disease [...]

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Relief of fibromyalgia symptoms following discontinuation of dietary excitotoxins Fibromyalgia patients had complete, or nearly complete, resolution from not eating monosodium glutamate (MSG) or MSG plus aspartame. Relief of fibromyalgia symptoms following discontinuation of dietary excitotoxins. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy: Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 702-706 JD Smith, CM Terpening, SO Schmidt, and JG Gums

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